Wednesday 1 July 2015

Parking on the Stray (again)

A contribution from Andrew Hart - definitely worth a read.

If you open this link it does say in small print "No parking on the Stray" but I wonder how the Council are going to enforce this or will they "turn a blind eye" as they do every other day of the year? Either way they have backed themselves into a corner on this one. If they ignore any parking violations then they risk further serious damage to the Stray verges. If they enforce the "Strictly No Parking on the Stray rules set by the Stray Act 1985 and backed on their own website then they have set a precedent that I for one will constantly remind them of. I dread to think what the verges on Knaresborough Road and Oatlands Drive might look like on that Sunday morning, especially if it rains at all over that weekend! I sincerely hope HBC cone off both those areas.
It also says in small print "No camping available at the festival site"! That is a significantly different statement to "camping is strictly prohibited on any part of the Stray".
The organisers have made no mention of the other restrictions the Stray carries such as no fires or barbecues? The item that concerns me the most is that this so called Fake Festival is going to be within metres of residential housing, hotels and rest homes. However, the most crucial point that seems to have by-passed the planners is that it is going to be within 400 metres of a major hospital that contains a lot of very ill and dying patients who need peace, quiet and rest!
I do still worry that the very damaged "protective matting" at the Oatlands Drive entrance has not yet been repaired/replaced despite several calls for the Council to give it very urgent H&S attention. I know I would not rest easy if it was my responsibility and I knew a large number of Fake Festival vehicles and music fans will be using it in three weeks time!
I have absolutely no problem with a large music festival in Harrogate but really is the Stray the correct venue when we have a magnificent Conference Centre and one of the counties best Showgrounds within 1000 metres of the town centre. One might be tempted to think the Council chose the Stray because it is free for them to use. I wonder if the Council will be charging the organisers for the use of the Stray and where any profit is going? Maybe the profit will be used to safeguard the Strays verges?
Whilst I applaud the Council for bringing in new entertainment to the town, the Stray cannot sustain increased commercial use by our Council without increased protection and investment. Because the Council have Stewardship of the Stray does not mean it should be used by the Council for political or financial gain.
Incidentally, as a final thought, we all are entitled to open and free access to all parts of the Stray at all times so I am bewildered to know how we can be charged £21 per person to access the Oatlands Drive Stray area on 25th July?

Andrew Hart

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