Friday 3 July 2015

Well done, Harrogate Borough Council!!!

Lovely new white painted signs making it clear where people can and can't cycle.

This is going to make life a lot easier for those of us some way past the first flush of youth - we get a bit disconcerted by bikes whizzing up behind us on what we thought were footpaths.

1 comment:

  1. I agree the painted signs are a really good step in the right direction but who is going to enforce the rule?
    The trouble is that even before the law was changed in 2011 allowing cycling on dedicated routes across the Stray, everyone cycled where they wanted on the Stray anyway. No one stopped them then and no one will now. This is what you get by turning a blind eye - total confusion. Next we will have pedestrians blocking the cycleways, in fact they often do now.
