Tuesday 7 July 2015

Grass-cutting time

The Stray is looking beautiful. Harrogate Borough Council has done a great job cutting the grass and making everything look tidy. And it's done an even greater job of leaving some areas uncut, for wildlife, and to provide contrast, and probably to please some of us who aren't keen on having everything neat all the time,

And this is a picture of the graveyard at Christchurch on a sunny, windy summer's evening. It's here just because I like it.


  1. Toni, I have a feeling that the "long areas" of grass will all disappear in the next few days! I hope I am wrong as in selected parts of the Stray they would add so much to the insect and small mammal habitat. I wish too we could see nesting boxes in place for birds, Tree Bumble Bees and Owls.

  2. HBC has done a good job at not cutting huge areas of Irongate Field that has really benefited the wildlife. We have also worked with Yorkshire Water on not cutting areas on Harlow Hill that has had a similar effect. However, fair to say will need to be cut at some stage - but hopefully after plants have re-seeded.

    Andrew - Over 100 bird and bat boxes in the Pinewoods with high % of occupancy! Come on up for a look if not aware of the area.

    1. Thank you for the invitation, I will take you up on that. How about meeting Toni and I there sometime so we can admire your good work and talk to you about our vision for the Stray?

    2. Would like to know what the baskets with chains that are in the valley gardens leading up to the Pinewoods are for?
      always wondered

    3. Interesting question. The Pinewoods Conservation Group would know the answer to it. http://www.pinewoodsconservationgroup.org.uk/who-we-are
      Great organisation - they, like the Friends of the Valley Gardens, have done some really good work.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is time we had a "Friends of the Stray, Conservation Group". A group of people who truly represent Harrogate. Its make up should include the runners, walkers, cyclists, dog walkers, footballers, exercise groups, education, commerce, neighbours, residents, FoVG, PCG, the Council, the Civic Society and others. Whilst HBC have the stewardship of the Stray they should allow its "ownership" and "social upkeep" to be all inclusive for the whole town. Something along the lines of a Board of Governors. Take politics and commerce out of the use of the Stray. It is a parkland for free sports and leisure not the 02 Arena. We welcome commercial events to the town but in the correct venues.
