Wednesday 15 July 2015

Doesn't look good, doesn't look safe

These are pictures of matting that was put down on the Stray to protect the grass from parked cars when the fair was here. Now it's starting to look as though the grass needs protection from matting rather than from the cars.

We have reported this four times and we are now assured by a Council Officer and a Councillor  (who has been very helpful) that it is going to be repaired. I hope it's soon. It isn't health and safety gone mad, it's a real risk to our Park Runners at the weekend and to the Fake Festival revellers a week on Saturday.

And it looks hideous.

1 comment:

  1. Now everyone can see why we are concerned. The Council should have taped this off 6 weeks ago when asked. I sincerely hope they are not dragging their feet with the intention of allowing hundreds of cars to access the Stray for free car parking for the Fake Festival. Any professional risk assessment of this area would deem it a danger. It is too great a public liability risk to allow anyone over this badly damaged matting now, never mind for the Fake Festival and then patching up afterwards!
    I wrote to the Council 6 weeks ago asking if they were going to turn the Stray into a giant car park for this Fake Festival, they are yet to answer!
