Monday 13 July 2015

Why on earth ... ?

...would anyone want to read a set of bye-laws? Well, have a look at them - they tell you an amazing amount about the Stray. I know they sound boring, but they're really not.

And to cheer you up, or make your blood boil, depending on your point of view, here's another of Jacky Little's lovely pictures. She argues that there are far too many trees on the Stray and they obscure the long views which are characteristic of Harrogate. I quite like the trees, though I do see her point.

This is a view of Christchurch, though you'd hardly know it.

1 comment:

  1. Toni, whilst I love to see trees I have to say Jacky may well have a point here. 100 years ago the Stray had less that 50% of the trees it has now. With the exception of the avenue running from West Park to Tewit Well the Stray was very much an open parkland bordered by trees. It must have been a breathtaking sight for visitors to see such a huge expanse of open summer pasture broken only by the Wells and the churches. In many ways I always think the "modern" Stray looks its most beautiful when covered in snow and bordered by dark leafless trees. The sight of children all playing on the winter Stray is wonderful until the Council turn up and knock down the snowmen!
    I remember when i moved here in the 1980's, the Stray was still quite open and had beautiful long views. In relatively recent years the Council have become obsessed with creating endless avenues and segmenting the Stray like a giant pizza! Oh and we must not forget how the new and old commercially sponsored roundabouts have drastically changed the look of the Stray by the Empress and Prince of Wales on West Park.
    What I cannot quite get my head round is turning the Wells and "Green Rooms" into commercial properties! What next, an artificial ice skating rink for Christmas and a Harrogate Eye?
