Sunday 5 July 2015

Maybe we've become a nation of anarchists .....?

...because every single time I walk past Oatlands Drive there are cars parked on the verges. So, this morning:

I know it's not major criminal activity, but Jill's point (see previous post, "Is it OK to ignore the rules?") is well made - the thin end of the wedge is the start of a slippery slope or some other equally mixed metaphor.

Also, I don't really blame people for parking there, because unless you happen to read the Harrogate Borough Council website, it's not obvious that you shouldn't. There are double yellow lines along one side of Oatlands Drive - so clearly no parking - but just a cycle track and the grass verge of the Stray on the other side.

It needs to be made more obvious that you can't park, and it needs to be enforced. Even a polite note under the windscreens of the parked cars explaining the rules would be a start.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is great that the runners use the Stray every weekend. It is good to see them in action and the Council I know encourage them. I would encourage Harrogate Town FC, Harrogate Railway FC, Harrogate Rugby Club and all other sports teams to do much more on the Stray. Use it for health and sports of all types. We have a massive following for walking, running, football and rugby in the town that needs the support and spotlight that cycling seems to get from the Council.
    However, your photo highlights an issue that needs thinking about - look at the worn track coming from the parked cars! That has come from runners using the same route week after week. I know the Council Officer responsible for the Stray is concerned about this worn track too. Can I suggest a compromise here that will help with a lot of the grass verge parking issues and the worn running track? Move the running onto the Stray Rein/Oatlands Drive part of the Stray for a season. The cars can park legally on Stray Rein and the grass on the Oatlands Drive/Wetherby Road Stray can recover. At the same time the HBC can work on a solution going forward. It will also take a large number of people away from the dangerous and damaged "matting" at the Oatlands Drive entrance to the Stray
