Tuesday 30 June 2015

Solitary splendour?

Or maybe not so spendid? Nice little red Audi parked illegally on the verge of Oatlands Drive. From the Wetherby Road the land rises gently towards Oatlands Drive, and then drops away, also gently, toward the West Stray. It's an amazing view. Cars mess it up. There are cars on Stray Rein, but (a) it's legal for them to park there, and (b) Stray Rein is slightly lower, and though the parked cards don't look great, they don't totally destroy the view.

I'm not sure how many times I'm going to have to quote this, but the Harrogate Borough Council website is unequivocal:

"Please note that parking is not allowed on any part of the Stray grassland or verges (unless in conjunction with an organised event, where parking areas will be clearly identified). On-street disc zone car parking is available around the town centre and on nearby roads". So there you go.

Apart from this, the Stray was looking like something painted by a French Impressionist this afternoon.

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