Saturday 27 June 2015

Oatlands Drive - a long thin car park?

This morning on Oatlands Drive: in the picture below you can see clearly the effect on the grass of cars being parked on a more or less daily basis.

Does it matter? I'm not sure, but what's certain is that it's contrary to the 1985 Stray Act and Byelaws (look on the Local Authority website if you don't believe me: - scroll down to the bottom of this page, Visitor Information). It seems crazy to have rules and not enforce them, and it makes it very very difficult for anyone to enforce them in the future if circumstances change.

Yesterday afternoon on Oatlands Drive: same old same old. There will be more today and tomorrow.


  1. The Council tell me that they can nothing about this type of parking offence because they have no powers to stop it but what greater power do the need than an existing (if possibly defunct) Act of Parliament. They claim that it needs the NYCC to paint double yellow lines along both sides of Oatlands Drive and then they could fine offenders! No one is advocating stopping the parking, all we want is some respect for the Stray please. The potholes caused to the Stray by these vehicles are actually dangerous now. The HBC say they could put signs up asking vehicles not to park on the Stray verges as it is both illegal and damaging but they say these signs would "deface" the Stray! What are the cars doing day after day?

  2. The Stray Act 1985 says "8. – (1) If any vehicle is left without authority on the Stray
    the Council may remove the vehicle for safe custody, and
    may recover from the person responsible the expenses
    reasonably incurred in such removal and safe custody.
    Removal of
    (2) In this section “person responsible” has the same
    meaning as in section 102 (8) of the Road Traffic Regulation
    Act 1984."
    I'm not sure how they got the idea they had no powers to stop illegal parking - it looks pretty clear to me.

  3. Where we can parking car in the Stray?

  4. Stray Rein is OK for parking - it tends to be busy during working hours because people park there and walk to the centre of Harrogate, but at other times there's almost always space.

  5. Stray Rein is OK for parking - it tends to be busy during working hours because people park there and walk to the centre of Harrogate, but at other times there's almost always space.
