Wednesday 10 June 2015

A Stray flasher

Today North Yorkshire police have been handing out leaflets appealing for witnesses and information about a man who has committed several offences in the Stray Rein and Tewit Well areas of the Stray since 2007.

Anyone with information is asked to contact them by:

  • Dialling 101, pressing option 2 and asking for Sergeant Lee Patridge
  • e-mailing
- or passing on information anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

On the leaflet it says: "Anyone who has seen suspicious activity in the area such as anybody acting furtively behind trees, in the undergrowth or near the footbridge and the railway line is urged to pass on information to the police".

So let's see what we can do to help!


  1. Toni,
    Well done Toni, using your blog site to help find this unfortunate pervert is real progress. As you and I have already suggested to many people, the Stray is not just about Bikes and Tribute Bands, It is about birds, trees, wildflowers, animals, sport, picnics and family fun. Equally its "defence" is not just about cleaning up after the Tour de France or stopping cycling, it is also about safety of people. A volunteer group who would act as "guardians" of the Stray could help to advise the public, keep it free of litter and dog fouling, monitor the wildlife, check the trees and even help to cut down on crime on the Stray, whether it be drugs, drink, fly tipping or flashers! These "guardians" would be a positive contribution towards the "community responsibility and social ownership of the Stray" and not vigilantes as some person called them recently!

  2. I would be more than happy to provide support for the West Park stray section

    1. That's great, Geoff. What kind of support are you thinking of? Shall we communicate your officer to North Yorkshire Police?
