Friday 7 August 2015

What a load of rubbish!

Back from my holidays, and it's brilliant to see the Stray looking beautiful in yesterday's evening light. I particularly like the little faint glimmer of a green traffic light in the middle of the picture ...

But I like this a lot less:

This is a slightly blurry picture of litter scattered some twenty-five yards from a virtually empty rubbish bin. WHY???? I really don't get it.


  1. Unfortunately Toni, despite the Council doing a first class reactive job in cleaning up the Stray and the whole towns litter, the Councils "enforcers" refuse to identify and deal with what we used to know as "litterbugs". As with dog fouling, speeding, fly tipping and Stray verge parking they just turn a blind eye therefore it will all just get worse!
    By the way, welcome back, we missed your blog.

  2. Thanks for the welcome back, Andrew. I have no idea what to do about litterers, litterbugs or litterlouts. I'm a bit pathetic about challenging people directly, though this would probably be the reasonable (alternatively courageous, in the Sir Humphrey sense) thing to do. Maybe a big litter pick involving lots of the users of the Stray would start to get the message across?
