Sunday 23 August 2015

A new kind of litter?

I really hope it's new and that it's not going to happen again. Some kind person (probably genuinely trying to be kind - I'm not being sarcastic) has put out a load of white bread, clearly hoping that it will make the birds happy. But it's a REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA. It will definitely attract rats, squirrels, and as you can see, jackdaws and other birds that are already doing fine. The little birds won't get a look in. And shouldn't anyway, because white bread is even worse for them than it is for us.

It will probably be cleared up by our excellent Harrogate Borough Council clearing-up people, but it would be a lot better not to put it out in the first place.

There are plenty of good websites on how to feed wild birds in summer. This one is sensible and comprehensive:

But please don't leave food out on the Stray.

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