Monday 17 August 2015

Posters on the Stray

The poster advertising the Fair seems to have struck a chord, so I thought I'd have a little wander round to see how many other posters there are on the Stray.

There a quite a few:

These monstrosities have appeared recently on a whole lot of rubbish bins. I think they're hideous and almost certainly unhelpful. Almost all dog walkers are brilliant at picking up after their pooches, and the few who don't aren't likely to be deterred by this.

This is the Fair poster, showing clearly that it's definitely on the Stray.

I've got a feeling this doesn't count. It's a huge poster welcoming people to Christchurch, but it's inside the church wall facing out on to the Stray. It may conform to the letter of the law, but I'm not sure about the spirit. Sorry it's such a rotten picture - too much traffic for me to cross the road there, and I couldn't be bothered to walk up to the crossing.

Poster advertising the Sewing Room. It's pretty but still a poster.

This poster has been there for months, as you can see from the date! It's on the hospital railings so it may be arguable that it's not on the Stray, but it's time it came down.

And this isn't a poster, it's just a lovely evening.


  1. Talk about leading by example!

  2. I was horrified today to see Kwik Fit flying sales banners on the Stray in front of their store!
