Sunday 3 May 2015

These aren't just puddles ...

Yorkshire Water have asked us to monitor flooding on the Stray so that they have more, and better, information about what's going on. Of course we're more than happy to do this for them.

However, I'm not sure how to distinguish between and small flood and a big puddle. This is what it was like this morning:

Small floods?

The top two are on the road round the back of Christchurch. The third is the town end of Oatlands Drive.

Big puddles?

The top one is near St. Aidan's School, the bottom one near the Empress on the Stray. I don't think they count as floods, though there are a lot like this and they probably would be floods if they joined together.

 Anyone like to join in? It's good fun.

1 comment:

  1. Toni, earlier today the Stray in front of Maplins on West Park flooded right out across the pavement and well into the road. The Stray in that area is now waterlogged for about 100sq m and about a 20 metre length of the pavement is still under about 1cm - 8cm of water. If it rains over the weekend of the "Big Bike Bash" I dread to think about the muddy mess our welcomed visitors will face. I understand from Yorkshire Water that there is a Victorian drain in this area that seems to need attention.
