Saturday 16 May 2015

A Yorkshire native

It's a bird cherry (Prunus padus) in full bloom on the Stray, looking beautiful against a horse chestnut tree, also in full bloom. Actually, it's not really a Yorkshire native - it flourishes in Yorkshire and the Scottish Highlands, is rarely found in the south of England. There are two kinds of wild cherry. The other is the Gean (what a weird name), Prunus avium.

Let's hope this year the horse chestnuts escape the depredations of the leaf miner moth. They seemed to get off pretty lightly last year. In parts of the south, chestnut leaves were turning brown in June - really sad.

Here are some more pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Toni, thank you for bringing us these little known treasures of the Stray. I look forward to seeing them
