Tuesday 5 May 2015

Not just floods

This is a picture of Christchurch looking beautiful yesterday evening, after the weather had settled.

But here are some slightly less lovely pictures of the area near St. Aidan's School this morning, after a night of rain. The whole of that part of the Stray was water-logged, and Slingsby Walk where it joins Stray Rein (in the two top pictures), is almost always like this. Not too bad at this time of year, very difficult when there's ice, especially for those of us not in the first flush of youth.

1 comment:

  1. The area of waterlogging in front of The Empress is getting worse and it is not helped by the tractor and grasscutter driving through it. The fresh topsoil laid on the heavily compacted damaged verges on Skipton Road is being washed away into the road as it was not laid correctly. The West Park area too is well and truly waterlogged but I have not been able to take any photos today, I will tomorrow. I sincerely hope it is not like this (or worse) for the Big Bike Bash!
