Wednesday 13 May 2015

Swifts over the Stray

The picture's a cheat, as usual. I copied it from the internet because I wouldn't have a hope of catching one in flight.

But there were two yesterday and two this morning. It's lovely to see them back again.

If you're interested, this is a good web site:


  1. Toni, I sat and watched a pair of Red Kites over the Stray late yesterday afternoon as I reflected upon life. I then thought I had seen a Dinosaur on the Stray but realised I had nodded off watching the birds!

    1. Ha ha! But actually you did, since birds are basically dinosaurs.

  2. Yes they have been back in this area since the end of April which is early, they are the last to arrive and the first to leave, an interesting life when the young are a couple of days of flying, the parents leave for Africa, after a couple of days the youngsters stirred on by hunger crawl to the entrance hole, then launch themselves out, from that moment they are on their own, and will not land for two years, eating and sleeping on the wing, only landing again when they come back to breed. I have been trying to catch them in flight for years, as you say not easy.

    1. I always hate to see them go. It's such fun to watch them screeching overhead, like boys on motorbikes.
