Thursday 21 May 2015

Fun Fair on the Stray

How's this for a random selection of very average photographs? The top one is yesterday evening, with the sun shining through the leaves of, I think, a copper beech. The next two are of flowers in the uncut parts of the Stray, looking very wild and very pretty.

Picture number 4 is of the Fun Fair, due to open tomorrow and run until the 31st. I promise you we're not killjoys - we really don't want to kill anyone's joy - but the posters advertise free parking, and I just wonder where that parking is going to be, and how much of the Stray it will use up. In case you're interested, I've quoted the relevant section of the Byelaws, below. If you're not, just ignore it.

10(a) "No persons shall drive or ride any motor vehicle over or across any part of the Stray other than a part laid out as carriageway always provided that in connection with any special event or occasion taking place upon the Stray the Council may upon not more than five weeks in any year set apart a portion or portions of the Stray for the use of any class or class of motor vehicle or permit more than 3.5 hectares of the Stray to be set apart at any time".
10(b)(iii) makes similar provisions in relation to bicycles or tricycles.

1 comment:

  1. The field next to Sainsbury's has been used by various events including the circus on a number of occasions. It always amazes me that the Fair is not encouraged to use it. Shoppers could limit their children to an hour at the fair whilst they do the shopping and use the Sainsbury's car park.
