Tuesday 1 September 2015

Is the Stray a car park?

Somebody clearly thinks it is. This is new - this afternoon, a car parked on the grass to the west side of Oatlands Drive, well clear of the double yellow lines and unarguably on the grass. The driver parked it there and took his two dogs for a stroll along Slingsby Walk. And of course, the problem is that there's nothing (except common sense, a degree of consideration for others and a very clear statement on the Harrogate Borough Council website) to indicate that he shouldn't do that.

But to look on the bright side - there was an absolutely amazing sunset over the Stray a couple of nights ago.

1 comment:

  1. Toni, I do think it is about time HBC did something about this issue as until they do it (and we) will not go away. We should be working with HBC promoting the Stray and not being distracted by those that misuse it.
    I have suggested this several times before but the Stray does need its own information board explaining its history, showing some recommended walks and listing its rules within the Stray Act 1985. That board and verge posts on Oatlands Drive would be a step in the right direction
