Thursday 24 September 2015

What a pretty place to park

.... half across the cycle lane and half on the Stray verge. What could be nicer on a sunny autumn evening - just leave the car there where there's lot of space, and take the dogs for a little walk.

And what a nice place to cycle ...

.... on the no-cycling path, so not too many other cyclists to get in the way, and only a few pedestrians who can always. move.

Apologies for the terrible blurry photograph. I was too busy jumping out of the way to be able to get my camera out in time.

And further apologies for the heavy sarcasm. It just gets a bit wearing sometimes - these two photographs were taken within about ten minutes of each other, and it's absolutely commonplace for some Stray users - not the majority by any means, but enough to be a nuisance - to ignore the rules, even when they're totally clear.

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