Monday 27 April 2015

Signage on the Stray

Does anyone know what this sign means? Because I don't for certain.

Bikes permitted? Bikes prohibited?

The trouble with a lot of the regulations relating to the Stray is that it's simply not clear what they are. You'd have to be an idiot not to know that blocking the cycle lane on Oatlands Drive isn't legal, but parking on the grass? That's prohibited too, but not everyone knows, it's not easy to find out, and the regulations aren't enforced. 

I don't want to sound like the hanging and flogging brigade, but clear signs and an occasional bit of enforcement action would probably get the message across pretty effectively.

And if the rules aren't sensible, they need to be changed, not ignored.

1 comment:

  1. This I am afraid is a deliberate action by the "enforcers". Take Oatlands Drive as a good example of this "planned duplicity". Down both sides we have cycle lanes with broken lines.You cannot park and block these by law. However, on the Leeds Road side of Oatlands Drive we have double yellow lines to reinforce the fact that you cannot park on any part of the road on that side. On the Wetherby Road side of Oatlands Drive we have no yellow lines. This is a deliberate ploy by HBC to actually encourage the footballers and runners to park on this side even though it is both dangerous and illegal.
    If there is a law then enforce it everywhere in the town or change the law. However in this case we also have an Act of Parliament prohibiting parking on the Stray and its verges! Maybe that Act needs changing too?
