Thursday 23 April 2015

A buzzard over the Stray!

I glanced up and saw a big bird of prey, thought it would be a red kite - exciting enough but not unusual - and saw this instead. Actually, the photograph's a cheat - I didn't take it, just copied it from the internet.

But it was just like this, probably a female, circling higher and higher on a thermal until it was almost out of sight. Beautiful!


  1. Toni, a similar bird flew over the Hospital car park yesterday. It was only about 20m up and being chased by crows. It was brown, quite slender, with a wingspan of nearly 2m. Definitely not a Red Kite.

  2. Maybe a sparrowhawk? Buzzards are quite solid-looking. I'd never describe them as slender! A sparrowhawk looks about the size of a pigeon or a bit smaller, brown, fast low flight.
    Interesting! (at least for those of us who get obsessed by birds)
